184 Main Street

Medway, MA 02053

8 North Main Street

Attleboro, MA 02703

75 Second Avenue

Needham, MA 02494

Types of Injuries

Greater Boston Accident Injury Attorneys

Experienced Attorneys Representing Injured Victims

When you are injured due to the carelessness of another person, you deserve to be compensated for those injuries and your suffering. Our personal injury attorneys represent injured claimants throughout Massachusetts who have accumulated medical bills, lost time from work, or lost loved ones in accidental deaths. We help them recover maximum compensation for their injury claims.

Over the past 30 years, we have obtained numerous successful verdicts and settlements on our clients’ behalf. We invite you to read a summary of some notable verdicts and settlements.

Types of Injuries

Our firm represents clients suffering from all types of injuries, from broken bones and fractures to traumatic brain injury. Some of the most common injury cases we handle include:

  • Neck and back injuries: cervical disc herniation, back sprains, spinal cord injury, SI joint injuries
  • Soft-tissue injuries: whiplash, sprains, pulled muscles, broken skin from dog bites
  • Head injuries : closed head injuries, skull fractures, brain injuries, concussions
  • Organ damage and internal bleeding
  • Repetitive motion injuries: rotator cuff injuries, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow
  • TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) and jaw injuries
  • Amputation: loss of limb, loss of finger
  • Wrist injuries: fractures, hyperextension, pulled muscle
  • Foot and ankle injuries: broken foot bones, Achilles tendon injury, ankle sprain, twists, strains
  • Shoulder injuries : rotator cuff injuries, nerve damage, dislocation, fractured clavicle, separations

Massachusetts Injuries Lawyers

We represent people who suffer from serious injuries causing paralysis and other permanent disabilities. We also represent families who lost a loved one in a wrongful death. We focus on achieving favorable results on their behalf.

Do not hesitate to contact our firm if you suffer from one of these injuries or another injury not on this list. We offer free initial consultations to discuss your injury lawsuit. We accept no attorneys’ fees until we recover compensation for your injuries. Evening and weekend appointments are available at our convenient office locations in Attleboro, Lexington, Medway, and Newton / Wellesley.

Get a Case Evaluation

We are happy to provide a consultation to all first time clients. Please complete the form below and we will contact you.
